I'm going to be doing categories of books as I review them. I'll try to do at least one of each a month, although it may be a little sporadic for some. I'll have the "Classics" which will mostly be my opinions on the books I read for school, then I'll be actually doing some independent reading that falls there as well. Then I'll have the "YA" category, which will be mostly newer books from the- guess!- YA section of my local bookstore. I'll also being doing a "General" category, which will be anything from How-Tos to Self Help books, as well as more adult titles- such as The Inferno (Dan Brown) or other modern-ish books.
I may also end up doing reviews from stories posted on the internet on sites like Wattpad and Fictionpress because I have an addiction to online authors, but that'll wait until I have my footing on the ground. I'm still in the midst of getting Cloud 9 Shelf up and running, but we'll see how this goes!!
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